Drakstar Gunruner is human...
Drakstar Gunruner posses an ability that is looked on by humans as frakish, mutant. But among Tyrian society (which Drak does not remember, nor has he ever experienced it) is normal--all Tyrians posses the physical ability to shapeshift, within capacity. They can transfer mass from one part of their bodies to another, and visa versa. His powers first came out during the Big Gun mission, in which he accompanied Myra Jade, who is now Warlord of the band; Tololo, I believe is now assistant Administrator Executive (I could be mistaken); Leona, Myra Jade's personal aide; and Flechette who is no longer with the band as well, on a mission to destroy a Rebel Supergun.
Other highlights of my career include participation in the conquest of Orto Sector; participation in the recent Imperial War; I have flown in numerous small missions; And I am soon to embark on a smuggling mission, in an attempt to make enought money to purchase a capitol ship.